Inclusive Practices in the Language Classroom
The aim of this programme is to introduce language teachers to the more common neuro-diversities, and the additional needs teachers may encounter in their student groups. The course explores the challenges faced by language learners with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), dysgraphia, dyslexia and dyspraxia, and considers the
challenges that may be presented to the teacher and class as a whole. It helps teachers understand the motivation for students’ behaviours, and provides an awareness of the stumbling blocks the communicative language classroom can present to neurodiverse or differently abled students. It offers teachers easy-to-implement, communicative ideas which will benefit language students of all abilities and aptitudes. The course is practical and aims to equip teachers with simple, creative tools, ideas and templates to open up the language learning experience and make it more interactive and inclusive for all students.
This course is suitable for English language teachers and teachers of foreign languages, teaching to secondary, adult or vocational students, and teachers who want to create a more inclusive learning environment. This course will benefit both experienced and novice teachers who want to enhance their teaching practices.
– Applicants must have a minimum B2 level of English, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The main aim of this course is to help teachers:
– develop a greater awareness of challenges faced by neurodiverse students when learning a language,
– adapt target language materials for use with students,
– build student supports into their lesson planning to ensure greater access and inclusion,
– implement changes in their teaching to foster a more inclusive language classroom.
The course provides a background of understanding and a menu of options for teachers to choose from, depending on their students’ needs and preferences. Participants explore dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and audio/visual impairment, getting an overview of what the conditions entail, and considering the challenges they pose for students in the language classroom specifically. Each day, a different neurodiversity is presented, and teachers consider ways to adapt their lesson materials and approaches to support their students. The course material provides practical ideas and suggestions for teachers to consider and evaluate. Teachers then work together to develop a ‘toolkit’ of activities and practices which will help them approach teaching the language skills, grammar and vocabulary in ways that make them accessible to all learners. Participants are supported to prepare a lesson, learning support or activity which they would like to use with their students. They develop this throughout the week as they engage with a variety of similar activities and suggestions, which they consider, evaluate and discuss.
– Dyslexia, and Dysgraphia – Description, Challenges, Supports and Dyslexia Toolbox
– Multi-sensory Learning
– The Visual Classroom
– Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Dyspraxia – Description, Challenges, Supports
– Teaching Grammar
– Using the Communicative Method
– Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Dyscalculia, Description, Challenges and Supports
– Caveats – what to be aware of when providing support, differentiation and the communicative model
– Teaching Reading and Writing and Spelling
– Differentiation
– Audio/Visual Impairment – ways to support
– Toolkit review
– Creating a Sensory Box
– Benefits of having a quiet space
– Lessons: 20 hours tuition + 10 hours of project work per week
– Course materials included
– Trainer feedback on project work
– Interactive discussions with other teachers
– End-of-course certificate
If minimum number per course are not met, we will offer participants a combination of General English development and Teacher Training Development as an alternative. Therefore:
– For courses with 9 particpants or more we will offer the full course as indicated.
– For courses with 5-8 particpants we will offer 20 hours General English and 10 hours of Teacher Training Development in the afternoons.
– For courses with 1-4 particpants we will offer 20 hours General English and 5 hours of Teacher Training Development in the afternoons.